If you have already have become aware of the Great Awakening within you, you probably have a lot of questions and the search for answers is compelling you to keep searching. A Starseed is an individual being that has an otherworldly or dimensional origin detailed within their DNA. Because the spirit energy recycles when we die, and then is breathed into the birth of the new living being; it is quite common to identify with more than one archetype. The spirit of God connects us all together, therefore when we are born here, it is very likely the spirit energy that is given to us at birth is recycled. There are many different groups of Starseeds, and I am going to describe some of the most identifiable I have observed.

Sirius, or popularly known as the “Dog Star”, is the brightest star in the Canis Major. It is considered one of the best viewable systems during the summer solstice. This system was considered important, dating as far back as the Polynesian era. Sirians are sent here to carry out a mission of mentorship to our planet and teach us about the origins of all of humankind. For some time, deception and darkness were unleashed onto us, to test us and find balances with our shadows and our light. Sirians are here to assist us in learning was to deal with healing, light work, and ascension development in general. This is why they are considered guardians of the galaxy. Some characteristics of a Sirian Starseed define them as calm, focused, and adjusted people. They have a natural pull to daydreaming things into reality. They come off as serious people unless they are close to you, then they can be quite amusing and fun to be around. They have a strong love for some of the Human’s favorite animal companions, particularly canines, and are naturally drawn to the wolf spirit animal. Sirians tend to be task-oriented and have a naturally strong relationship with one or more ascended masters.

The Pleiades star system is admirably known as the “Seven Sisters” of the sky. This cluster is open and made up of B-type stars, located in the north-western portion of the Taurus constellation. It is also considered one of the closest clusters of stars to Earth and is the most obvious with the naked eye from our planet. The stars are luminous and radiate a hot blue reflection showcasing the constellation’s electromagnetic radiation it is classified under. Astronomers theorize that the configuration was due to an impact similar to the Orion Nebula, and estimate that the cluster “will survive for about another 250 million years,” until gravity disassembles it with the neighboring star systems. Some characteristics of Pleiadians include physical definitions of having high cheekbones, a lanky physique, and strong jawlines. They are most often naturally drawn to outer space, astrology, and science fiction. They are family-oriented and sensitive individuals. They love helping others and are soft-spoken and polite. They are deeply interested in healing and metaphysics, naturally expressing an understanding of polarity and the natural balance of the energy of the universe. They may tend to struggle with food sensitivities, and sensory issues when not in spiritual alignment.

Starseeds originating from the Venusian star system, or Venus, come from the hottest planet in our Solar System. Venus was historically named after the Roman goddess of love and was a prime inspiration for many writers and poets throughout our history here on Earth. Another name that Venusians go by is Hathors. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian demi-god that symbolized love and motherhood. The legend explains that she sent her star children down to Earth to embody the ideals of love and instructed them to teach these ideals to other inhabitants on Earth. Most Venusians are naturally grounded individuals and are very nurturing and compassionate. They have a highly spiritual connection with all living things, through the perspective of a new age phenomenon. Because of historical origins, they may also express a strong interest in ancient Egypt and learning more about this geographical place and its history. They are often very physically attractive with beautiful facial features. Men expressing a strong modelesque physique and women carrying themselves as very feminine and naturally beautiful.

The folklore behind colonizing Mars is actually derived from a desire to discover its importance in regards to Earth’s evolution. Martian Starseeds are said to have reincarnated here on Earth because of their active role in assisting us thousands of years ago. There are many individuals who believe life historically existed on Earth due to the discovery of water on the now, dustbowl planet. Some common traits of Martian Starseeds are their desire to assist and advance the human race. They have a strong connection to the elements of both fire and water. Some have even recalled the memories of living on the surface of Mars and are naturally drawn to the planet in general.

Arcturus is a red giant star type that is located in the Bootës constellation. Arcturians are described as star beings that are other dimensional and advanced in the technology sector. They are usually naturally gifted in divination and channeling energy. Some scholars hold the belief that when humans pass from the living, we actually travel through a realm that the Arcturians protect and position themselves as a guide while we are returning to God, the true living source of all creation both human and otherworldly alike. Some non-religious believers historically assert, that Thoth has a home in the Bootës constellation, where Arcturus resides. Thoth is considered a demi-god of wisdom in ancient Egyptian texts. Their traits are vast and are one of the most intelligent and peaceful types of Starseeds that we commonly identify. Their traits depict them as highly passionate beings and are avid enthusiasts of mathematics and technology. They do not fear death and are natural leaders in the workplace, in their respective communities. Many historical texts suggest many ascended masters may have been Arcturian in nature. They love the study of metaphysics, more specifically sacred geometry. Arcturians are naturally self-motivated beings. They enjoy attention and appreciation. They usually disassociate with their emotional body, and often at times find difficulties in balancing it; this is why they come to Earth, to learn how to work through this lesson in our realm. They are also very sensitive to lighting, sounds, textures, and have a keen sense of smell. Making them naturally intuitive in their abilities and almost always strongly empathic in their actions.

The Lyra constellation has but a few stars, but the main planet in this system is Vega. It is historically prescribed by astronomic scholars that the first humans originated from Lyra. There was an ancient race of beings that came from this star system and supposedly assisted in the establishment of the ancient world on Earth including the structuring of Atlantis and Egypt. There are many theories that align with this, from books to television shows that claim that the pyramids were built with the assistance of an alien race, but never detailed as of which species type. These were the beings from Lyra. Ancient hieroglyphics depict these beings as having catlike features. Lyrans also enjoy physical activities especially outside in nature. They also enjoy getting lots of sleep. Naturally grounded individuals but love taking risks.

These are only a few of many different types and if you feel a deep connection to the unknown it is quite possible you are in fact a derivative of the stars. If you have any questions about ascension or starseeds, please feel free to reach out.

Love and Light,

Honey Gaia