Did you ever wonder what your natural born abilities could really do? Well up until recently, I only thought it stopped at the aforementioned gifts outlined in historical religious accounts. Source gifted each one of us grace and it was given according to the measure of the ascended master’s gifts. Within the constraints of time, we are slowly awakening to these “super human” abilities more and more each day. Some of us, may remain hidden, not facilitating these gifts in everyday activities in plain sight. While others embrace the calling, and build upon these gifts to facilitate their soul’s true mission this lifetime in Earth School. These abilities may be labeled as something low vibrational to the untrained conscious; and in some cases not everyone uses their gifts in a positive way. Either way, as the planet continues to ascend, many more will awaken to their abilities and may even adorn and unlock more as they continue to condition them. There are eight Clairs that are all aligned to the senses of each individual. Your Clairs are like any other part of your body, as it is necessary to condition them so they can be formidable and strong. Just like when you go to the gym, and you get those reps in to keep your physical body in tip top shape. You must train your mind and your spiritual body to become and remain strong. What are these Clairs and how do they work?
Have you ever sorted through a box of old trinkets from childhood and immediately accessed a memory like it just happened upon holding said object? This particular Clair is technically known as psychometry. It governs the ability to receive, analyze, and transmute data through the sense of touch. What the spiritual community dubs as “Clear touch.” How it works, is one places an object in their hand and receives information with the collaboration of all of your Clairs, reading the energy on the object. Because everything has energy and energy never dies, it is quite possible that objects can hold energy. The person may pick up on the energy of emotions, experiences, and even lessons that were created with the energy the object still possesses. This can be energy of someone living or deceased.
Mm mm that smells good. Did you know that smell is a sense that most do not even realize has a lot of data attached to it? This is also a gift. Just like police trained dogs can smell out a crime, so can anyone with the ability of Clairalience. Instances of this could include smelling the perfume or the cigarette smoke of a deceased relative, used as a sign of their presence around us. When our sense of smell is strong and distinct, we may find that certain smells connect us to past memories, people, places, or even certain energetic occurrences, and this is what this sense is used for most. We will receive through this Clair to feel an experience, and this sense intertwines with all other senses to relay a message or information.
Knowing without knowing is very similar to Dejavu. You ever ponder something and knew how something worked without ever officially studying it? Only to discover that after researching it, your hunch was quite accurate? This is a form of “clear knowing”, like a instant insight or download of information that seems to just come out of nowhere. This can be experienced as an idea, or thoughts that bring an instant awareness about a certain topic or evidence of something. Everyone have some form of this, and it can be strengthened with practice.
Clear seeing is the extrasensory ability to see beyond that status quo. When you are able to receive impressions and symbols in the form of mental images through an individual mind’s eye (or third eye). This can come to you while awake or asleep, in the form of dreams, visions, and mental visualizations techniques that can come from meditation, prayer, or be inspired by things you may see on movies or everyday life. This ability also allows you to see energy fields around people, plants, animals or spiritual occurrences like angels, ghosts, or other beings; depending on where you fall on the spectrum. This is contingent on your capability to visualize or use critical thinking in everyday life. An individual with a strong clairvoyant ability may even be able to see variables of the future (also known as precognition), to bring enlightenment to present occurrences and outcomes. A person with the gift of clairvoyance is usually someone with good problem solving skills, a visual learner, and often displays a strong skill of creative, imaginative, and artistic expression. Out of the eight Clairs, this one can be surprisingly, the most common among the others and can be used in many different ways in everyday life. I personally believe this particular gift is also very useful in manifesting, since manifesting has a visual aspect to it. If you can visualize it, you can materialize it!
This particular gift is a fun one, but is often misdiagnosed among the mental health community. The gift of clear hearing is the ability to perceive sounds, words, or noise from the spiritual or ethereal realms. If an individual is experiencing the gift of clairaudience, they are mainly receiving intuitive information with their inner or outer hearing. You ever listen to a song or watch a TV program, and notice certain words or phrases stick out more than others? The spiritual realm will use these type of everyday activities to communicate with us, it just takes the intent on observing a bit deeper into the messages when they occur. You could be out walking in the park, or at your local eatery, and overhear a conversation of a complete stranger talking on the phone. There may be something you are praying about, or pondering about getting an answer about from your guides, and notice what you were thinking about resonates with what you are hearing around you. When this particular gift is strong, you may even be able to get messages in complete silence. Very similar to how a spirit box device works, that picks up on subtle frequency changes; that formulates the waves into words. A tool that the paranormal investigation community has used for many years. What actually occurs, is an individual is receiving intuitive information or experiencing an energetic phenomena that is being received with your inner ear (your mind space). This Clair is fun to develop and is easiest to strengthen when the mind is calm and we are open to receiving. During meditation or prayer, it has been scientifically observed that the human body goes into what is called theta state. During these lighter resting periods, you are able to tap into your subconscious mind, without being fully asleep. This allows you to receive messages or even clear your mind to be able to receive and perceive things more clearly and without ego, distraction, or noise.
This particular Clair is often undetected but many people have this gift unknowingly. The ability of clear feeling. To feel the emotions of others. You could be completely content and witness or feel the emotions of another; changing your entire mood. First thing in the morning, I clear my energy, because sometimes there will be residue from the subconscious realm or projections of other people’s emotions. You ever tap into someone else’s energy and want to cry out nowhere? This is because you are feeling the energetic emotion of this person. It is possible to feel the pain in your body of another, alive or deceased, that the individual may have or is experiencing.
An individual with this Clair will exude a strong sense of other’s emotions, symptoms, and thoughts. As intelligent beings, we have the natural ability to feel through emotional energy. As an empath, this can often become confusing and intertwined with something that feels like your own, but is very much not; it is imperative to use discernment so you can determine what is your and what isn’t. A skilled empath knows how to maintain spiritual boundaries, replenish energy and clear unwanted negative energy from their auric field. The difference between clairempathy and clairsentience is that empaths sense the emotion (and unfortunately sometimes assume it is theirs) whereas sentients experience the emotion. Empaths sense the energy, but sentients feel the energy.
Clear tasting. This is similar to the above (clairalience). This is the ability to taste something that isn’t actually there. This experience oftentimes comes from out of the blue when a deceased loved one is attempting to communicate a memory or association we have with a particular food or beverage that reminds us of them. If we have a heightened sense of taste, this would make us natural chefs, bakers or food critics.